Accessory For Energy Losses In Pipes Training Didactic Equipment Fluids Engineering Training Equipment

Accessory For Energy Losses In Pipes Training Didactic Equipment Fluids Engineering Training Equipment

ZM8149 Accessory For Energy Losses In Pipes Training Didactic Equipment Fluids Engineering Training Equipment For Vocational Training Center, Technical Institution, Engineering University, TVET Schools.


ZM8149 Accessory For Energy Losses In Pipes Training Didactic Equipment Fluids Engineering Training Equipment

1.Product overview

1.1 Overview

The device is used to demonstrate the laminar and turbulent phenomena of fluid in the pipeline, and the friction characteristics of laminar and turbulent flow are obtained through the pressure gauge.

1.2 Features

T-shaped structure, simple and easy to display, with pressure gauge and U-shaped differential pressure gauge

Performance parameter

Dimensions: 970mm * 680mm * 920mm

Inner diameter of water storage bucket: 90mm

Test tube Length: 500mm Inner diameter: 2mm

Effective length of pressure gauge: 400mm

U-tube pressure gauge: 600mm


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