Activated Sludge Process Teaching Equipment Hydrodynamics Laboratory

Activated Sludge Process Teaching Equipment Hydrodynamics Laboratory

ZM9105 Activated Sludge Process Teaching Equipment Hydrodynamics Laboratory For Vocational Training Center, Technical Institution, Engineering University, TVET Schools.


ZM9105 Activated Sludge Process Teaching Equipment Hydrodynamics Laboratory

Activated Sludge Sewage Treatment Pilot Plant 1. General

The activated sludge pilot allows the study and the comprehension of sewage treatment by activated sludge.

This treatment is an intermediate stage between the physical treatments or

gridiron, defoliation and primary sedimentation

And the final sterilization and chlorination stage, in a sewage treatment

station. Its purpose is to eliminate the contaminated

Organic substances which are present in the sewage water after the above

mentioned physical treatment.

The organic load is measured in BOD (Biological Oxygen Demand) unit and it also causes a partial elimination of COD

(Chemical Oxygen Demand). The conditioning process takes place in a tank where the organic load is removed by microorganism (bacteria, rotifera, vorticellae, etc.) which are cultivated under aerobic conditions by blowing in air or sometimes also pure oxygen. The micro-organisms utilize the contaminated substances as necessary food for their production and their preservation. The aspect for this mass of micro-organisms is that

of sludge, from which we have taken the name of the

Process. After the pollutant elimination phase it is necessary to divide the

clarified water from the sludge, operation which is

Carried out in the settling tank (stating separator).

The clarified water flows down to the receiving body, or to a sterilization

treatment, while the activated sludge is partially

recycled within the oxidation tank in order to stabilize the elimination


This pilot plant has been designed to enable the students to learn all the fluid-dynamic, chemical-physical problems arising from the realization of an activated sludge process.

The unit is completely instrumented and arranged for the execution of tests that help to understand advanced problems

which come from the modern conception of activated sludge plants such as:

1 the agitation effect in the reaction tank;

the energetic saving and the reliability of the sludge recirculating system by “air-lift

the effect of the work oxygen concentration on the sludge elimination and sedimentation.


The pilot plant is composed of:

1 Basic plant (Code 944500)

6-place BOD (Biological Oxygen Demand) meter (Code 994510); OPTIONAL

1 Frigothermostat for BOD apparatus (Code 949104); OPTIONAL

Thermo reactor for COD analysis (Code 949103); OPTIONAL

1 Electric compressor with 24 1 tank (Code 971227); OPTIONAL 1 OPTIONAL Automatic Data Acquisition System SAD/IC130D composed of:

Description Air line

It is composed of:

a pressure stabilizing reducer;

1 two flow rate controllers: one for the oxidation tank and the other for the sludge recirculation;

a set of service solenoid valves

1 an air distributor/diffuser in the reactor

an “air-lift” system for the sludge recirculation from the settling tank. The circuit can be supplied either by means of a compressor, or by an oxygen cylinder.

Liquid line This consists of :

a feed preparation tank with stirrer;

1 a volumetric feed pump to study dilution D (Q/V) influence;

1 a cylindrical plexiglass reactor to allow the contact among the three phases: gas/liquid/solid;

1 a plexiglass settling tank with “air-lift”.

Control and regulation systems

The activated sludge pilot plant IC130D provides:

1 control of the concentration of O2 dissolved in to the oxidation tank by a sensitive element 1 measurer/indicator of O2;

regulator/actuator acting on the air flow sent to the tank;

control to the feed mixture temperature;

1 control of the sludge quantity in the oxidation tank by sludge recirculation driven by a timer;

1 luminous mimic panel to follow the process in real time.

Measuring instruments

The pilot plant is provided with instruments to measure the quantities indicated below:I air flow rates sent to the oxidation tank and to the settling tank

sewage feed flow rate and temperature;

I pH in the reaction tank;

Quantity of dissolved O2.

Besides, by simple operations it is possible to measure the recycled sludge quantity and the purged sludge Quantity.

The following equipment is also provided with the unit:

a cone to determine the percentage of sludge preset;

I a set of chemical products to recreate a favourable

environment for bacterial cultures;

a quantity of lyophilized bacteria;

I nitrate percentage detection papers;

pH detection papers

4.Range of experiments

Determination of the purification effect according to the feed hydraulic stay time in the oxidation tank.

Determination of the purification effect according to the mixing.

Evaluation of the effect at different concentrations of dissolved O2.

I Determination of the sludge sedimentation varying the concentration of work 02.

I Influence of sludge age.

Influence of pH.

Efficiency of the purification according to the temperature.

I Influence of the activated carbon on the purification process.

Tests using O2 instead of air.

5.Required services

Electrical supply: 220V – 50/60 Hz – 3 kW I Compressed air supply: 800 l/h – 6 bar

I Water supply: 200 l/h – 2 bar.

6.Dimensions and weights

Dimensions: with feed tank 2450 X 700 X 1700 h mm I Net weight: 270 Kg

Pilot plant components

With reference to figure 1 the activated sludge sewage treatment plant IC130D consist of:

1.- feed tank with capacity 150 l

2.- fixed speed stirrer – 100 RPM, 90 W

3.- low level indicator

4.- feed cut-off valve

5.- feed discharge valve

6.- feed filter

7.- metering pump – capacity 0-20 l/h

8.- 1.5 l damper

9.- breather valve

10.- feed flow meter 60 l/h f.s.

11.- fowmeter activation valve

12.- fowmeter washing valve

13.- by-pass valve

14.- flowmeter washing

15.- flowmeter activation valve

16.- feed flowrate transducer (*)

17.- digital totalizer (*)

18.- 2000 W feed heater

19.- oxidation reaction tank – capacity approx 35 l

20.- 200 W variable speed stirrer

21.- pH measuring device

22.- reactor discharge valve

23.- digital temperature indicator-regulator

24.- digital dissolved oxygen indicator-regulator

25.- oxygenation flow meter 500 l/h f.s.

26.- oxygenation valve

27.- “air-lift” valve

28.- “air-lift” flow meter 500 l/h f.s.

29.- “air-lift” digital timer

30.- air/oxygen pressure reducer

31.- deactivated sludge discharge valve

32.- digital timer for deactivated sludge discharge

33.- sludge recovery with “air-lift”

34.- reactor discharge

35.- settling tank

36.- deactivated sludge collection tank

37.- clarified water discharge

38.- some computerized version components

39.- console and electric panel

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