Adsorption In Packed Bed Vocational Training Equipment Hydrodynamics Experiment Apparatus

Adsorption In Packed Bed Vocational Training Equipment Hydrodynamics Experiment Apparatus

SR-CE583 Adsorption In Packed Bed Vocational Training Equipment Hydrodynamics Experiment Apparatus For Vocational Training Center, Technical Institution, Engineering University, TVET Schools.


SR-CE583 Adsorption In Packed Bed Vocational Training Equipment Hydrodynamics Experiment Apparatus

I. Product overview

1.1 Product description

In the adsorption process, the substance dissolved in the raw water is called an adsorbent. The pump uses two adsorbers filled with activated carbon to transport water from the tank. The pump delivers the treated water to the first adsorber. A metering pump is used to add concentrated adsorbent solution to the treated water stream.

1.2 Features

The metal frame is corrosion-resistant and can be moved easily.

The raw water produced in this way enters the adsorbent and flows through the fixed bed of activated carbon, and the adsorbent is adsorbed on the activated carbon. In order to remove any amount of adsorbent still present in the water, the water passes through a second adsorber (safety adsorber) for secondary adsorption. The treated water is returned to the supply line of the first adsorbent, and the concentrated adsorbent solution is added again. This creates a closed water circuit.

The flow rate of the two pumps can be adjusted, so the concentration of the adsorbate in the raw water and the contact time between the raw water and the activated carbon can be changed. Another: The water temperature of the raw water can be adjusted to facilitate the study of the temperature effect of adsorption.

1.3 Performance parameter

Dimensions: 2350mm*800mm*1200mm

Overall weight: <200kg

Equipment power supply: AC220±10V

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