Autonomous Kaplan Turbine Computerized Electrical Brake Trainer Vocational Training Equipment Hydrodynamics Laboratory equipment

Autonomous Kaplan Turbine Computerized Electrical Brake Trainer Vocational Training Equipment Hydrodynamics Laboratory equipment

ZM2104 Autonomous Kaplan Turbine Computerized Electrical Brake Trainer Vocational Training Equipment Hydrodynamics Laboratory equipment For Vocational Training Center, Technical Institution, Engineering University, TVET Schools.


ZM2104 Autonomous Kaplan Turbine Computerized Electrical Brake Trainer Vocational Training Equipment Hydrodynamics Laboratory equipment

Autonomous Kaplan turbine – Computerized electrical brake bench suitable to simulate a small-scale installation with a Kaplan turbine system, especially designed for educational purposes, for the study and the demonstration of the behavior and the characteristics of this type of turbine.

The turbine housing must be partially transparent so that the turbine operation driven by the water flow and the inlet guide blade for flow regulation can be observed. The turbine impeller blades must be adjustable so the pitch angle can be manually modified.

It must work autonomously thanks to the system complete of water tank, pump and all necessary instruments based on movable trolley.

It must be designed to achieve the following training objectives:

  • Characteristics curves of the turbine:
  • Torque – speed (M-n)
  • Brake power – speed (Pe-n)
  • Performance – speed (h-n)
  • Torque – U (M-U)
  • Brake power – U (Pe-U)
  • Performance – U (h-U)
  • ISO-performance curves.

It must be equipped with the following technical data:

  • Brake Type:
  • Electric brake
  • Turbine:
  • Type: Kaplan
  • Number of blades: 4
  • Blades angle: variable and manually adjustable
  • Guide pallets
  • Structure:
  • The equipment must be made of an anodized aluminum structure, with a 130 Lt tank and a pump where the necessary turbine flow is generated.
  • Electronic components:
  • Pressure transducer
  • Differential pressure gauge
  • Tachometer
  • Load cell for torque
  • Data Acquisition board
  • Accessory:
  • PC with management software that must allow displaying all the variables on the integrated workstation.

It must have power supply: 230V/50Hz.

The trainer must be supplied with manual in English language.


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