Bench Of The Dynamics Fluid Vertical Fluids Mechanics Lab Equipment Didactic Equipment

Bench Of The Dynamics Fluid Vertical Fluids Mechanics Lab Equipment Didactic Equipment

ZM7126 Bench Of The Dynamics Fluid Vertical Fluids Mechanics Lab Equipment Didactic Equipment For Vocational Training Center, Technical Institution, Engineering University, TVET Schools.


ZM7126 Bench Of The Dynamics Fluid Vertical Fluids Mechanics Lab Equipment Didactic Equipment

The bench should allow the following educational farms:

-use a pitot-static tube to determine the velocity profile in a pipe

-Measurement flow by pressure devices; Venturi and diaphragm

-Studies Head losses in the following organs:

smooth -Tubes

-tube Artificially roughened

-Loss Charge in a straight pipe

-Elargissement and sudden narrowing

-Coudes and curves


-Crépine Online

Technical specifications required:

The bench should include 35 catches distributed pressures as follows:

smooth -Tubes several diameters (13.6, 17, 26.2 mm)

-Tube Artificially roughened (effective dia 14 mm – 17 mm dia)

-Coude 90 degrees (13.6 mm radius)

-Coude 90 ° at right angles

-Courbes Smooth 90 degree (50, 100 and 150 mm radius)

-Elargissement And sudden narrowing (13.6 / 26.2 mm)

-Vanne To seal, globe valve and ball valve

-Venturi Dia. 26-16 mm

-Orifice Dia. 20 mm

-tube pitot static with through-wall system and micrometric Measurement

displacement in the pipe

-Crépine Online with two different filters

-Tubes smooth with 4 mm dia int

-Measurement pressures by 3 double piezometric tubes mounted on a separate chassis

the low pressure and by pressure gauge differential pressure in the valves and


-Supplied with separate hydraulic power volumetric bench on wheels.

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