Boiling Process Heat Transfer Demonstrational Equipment Educational Equipment

Boiling Process Heat Transfer Demonstrational Equipment Educational Equipment

SL220 Boiling Process Heat Transfer Demonstrational Equipment Educational Equipment For Vocational Training Center, Technical Institution, Engineering University, TVET Schools.


SL220 Boiling Process Heat Transfer Demonstrational Equipment Educational Equipment


Heating, a limitation of the heat flux density must be assured In order to prevent damage to the heating surface. This knoSLedge is applied in practice eg when designing steam boilers for steam-powered drives.

The volt 220 experimental unit can be used to demonstrate boiling and evaporation processes in a straightforward manner. The processes take place in a transparent tank. A condenser in the form of a water-cooled tube coil ensures a closed circuit within the tank. is used as evaporating liquid.

Sensors record the flow rate of the cooling water, the heating power, pressure and temperatures at all relevant points.

Technical details


Visualisation of boiling and evaporation in a transparent pressure vessel

Evaporation with heating element

Condensation with tube coil

Safety valve protects against overpressure in the system

Pressure switch for additional protection of the pressure vessel, adjustable

Sensors for pressure, flow rate and temperature with digital display

Refrigerant R1233zd, GWP: 1

Technical data


Power: 250W, continuous adjustable

Safety valve: 2bar rel.

Pressure vessel: 2850mL

Condenser: coiled tube made of copper



GWP: 1

Filling volume: 1,2kg

CO2-equivalent: 0t

Measuring ranges

Pressure: 0…4bar abs. (tank)

Power: 0…300W (heater)

Flow rate: 0,05…1,8L/min (cooling water)

Temperature: 4x 0…100°C

230V, 50Hz, 1 phase

230V, 60Hz, 1 phase

120V, 60Hz, 1 phase

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