Capacitor Bank Didactic Equipment Electrical Training Equipment Educational Equipment

Capacitor Bank Didactic Equipment Electrical Training Equipment Educational Equipment

TB220505S01 Capacitor Bank Didactic Equipment Electrical Training Equipment Educational Equipment For Vocational Training Center, Technical Institution, Engineering University, TVET Schools.


TB220505S01 Capacitor Bank Didactic Equipment Electrical Training Equipment Educational Equipment

I. Overview

This low-voltage reactive power compensation box is suitable for rural and urban distribution networks and internal distribution networks of industrial and mining enterprises. Power compensation; it can also be used in low-voltage power grids in factories and mines, petroleum, chemical, railways, ports and other industries and for on-site reactive power compensation of power equipment. It adopts single-chip control technology and the sampling signal measurement system is three-phase analog or three-phase electronic Measurement and switching thresholds can be set by the user or controlled by fuzzy logic;  stable and reliable work; the actuator for controlling the switching of capacitors uses capacitive non-contact dedicated for switching capacitors Switch, suitable for occasions where the load changes frequently.

Using this equipment can provide the following benefits:

Improve the power factor of the grid without returning reactive power

Stabilize voltage and improve the quality of distribution voltage

II. Environmental conditions

Ambient temperature: -25℃~55℃ (In places where the temperature is lower than -25℃, there are also products with special treatment.)

Relative air humidity: the maximum relative humidity is 90% (at 20℃)

Altitude: not more than 2000m

Environmental conditions: no explosive and flammable dangerous media, no gases that corrode metals and conductive dust that damage electrical insulation

Maximum precipitation intensity: 50mm/10min

Voltage fluctuation range: -15%~+10%

III.Specific characteristics:


Capacitors: 4 cylindrical with laminated polypropylene dielectric, 3 of 1 kvar and 1 of 3 kvar.


Contactors: 4 of 20 amps.


Controller: Automatic.


With ip54 protection.

Thermomagnetic switch

Input protection: thermomagnetic switch.

Protection of the stages: 4 thermomagnetic switch of 20 amps.

Type of voltage: Three-phase.

Voltage: 240 Volt.Additional characteristics

Additional features for above components:

stage automatic controller.

Discharge resistors in each capacitor or overcurrent limiting inductances.

Indicator light

Two (2) indicator lights, one (1) red and one (1) green.


Metal cabinet with key.

One (1) command and control transformer.

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