Cavitations Demonstration Hydrodynamics Lab Equipment Educational Equipment

Cavitations Demonstration Hydrodynamics Lab Equipment Educational Equipment

ZM8138 Cavitations Demonstration Hydrodynamics Lab Equipment Educational Equipment For Vocational Training Center, Technical Institution, Engineering University, TVET Schools.


ZM8138 Cavitations Demonstration Hydrodynamics Lab Equipment Educational Equipment

Cirular venturi-shaped test section manufacted from clear acrylic for full visualization of cavitation. Three bourdon gauges must indicate the static pressure upstream of the contrction, inside the throad and downstream of the expansion in the test section. Flow control valves upstream and downstream of the test section allow conditions to be optimized for the accessory demonstrates visually and numerically the phenomenon of cavitation and its assosiation with the vapour pressure of a liquid.

Dimension: 500*250*400mm

Weight: 12kg

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