Didactic Apparatus For Studying The Reaction Of A Jet Vocational Training Equipment Hydrodynamics Laboratory

Didactic Apparatus For Studying The Reaction Of A Jet Vocational Training Equipment Hydrodynamics Laboratory

H8 Didactic Apparatus For Studying The Reaction Of A Jet Vocational Training Equipment Hydrodynamics Laboratory For Vocational Training Center, Technical Institution, Engineering University, TVET Schools.


H8 Didactic Apparatus For Studying The Reaction Of A Jet Vocational Training Equipment Hydrodynamics Laboratory

A didactic device for studying the reaction of a jet, allowing students to study the forces produced by a jet of water striking a flat or curved surface.
Supplied with a complete instructional manual with practical work (TP).
Educational holdings
This teaching equipment makes it possible to carry out the following practical exercises:
– Measurement of the impact force on a flat plate and comparison with the variation of the momentum
– Measurement of the impact force on a hemispherical obstacle and comparison with the variation of the momentum.
– Measurement of the impact force on an inclined plate (available separately) and comparison with the variation of the momentum
– Measurement of the impact force on a conical obstacle (available separately) and comparison with the variation of the momentum.
Supplied with a complete instructional manual with practical work (TP).
Specifications for tender

The bench must allow the following pedagogical operations:
– Measurement of the impact force on a flat plate and comparison with the variation of the momentum
– Measurement of the impact force on a hemispherical obstacle and comparison with the variation of the momentum.
– Measurement of the impact force on an inclined plate (available separately) and comparison with the variation of the momentum
– Measurement of the impact force on a conical obstacle (available separately) and comparison with the variation of the momentum.

– The bench must allow the direct measurement of the force exerted by a jet of water on an obstacle in order to study experimentally the theorem of the quantities of movement.
– The obstacle on which the force of the jet will be exerted will be fixed to the lever arm of a counter-weight scale, one end of which will pivot on a knife.
– The value of the force will be deduced from the position of the counterweight on the lever arm adjustable horizontally by a control spring.
– The high speed jet will be produced by a vertical conical nozzle. The nozzle and the obstacle will be mounted inside a transparent cylinder to facilitate observation.

Technical specifications required:
– Diameter of the jet: 10 mm
– Length of the lever arm: 230 mm
– Maximum flow: 29 l / min
– Diameter of the flat plate: 74 mm
– Diameter of the hemispherical obstacle: 60 mm
– Weight of the counterweight: 610 g.
– Dimensions: approx 720 mm x 520 mm x 470 mm

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