Disc Centrifuge Vocational Training Equipment Fluid Mechanics Experiment Equipment

Disc Centrifuge Vocational Training Equipment Fluid Mechanics Experiment Equipment

SR3003D Disc Centrifuge Vocational Training Equipment Fluid Mechanics Experiment Equipment For Vocational Training Center, Technical Institution, Engineering University, TVET Schools.


SR3003D Disc Centrifuge Vocational Training Equipment Fluid Mechanics Experiment Equipment

The unit shall perform the following experiments and investigations:

Learning Objectives / Experiments

production of stable emulsions with different types of stirrer

learning the fundamental principle of disc centrifuges

influence of rotation speed and feed flow rate on separation result

characteristic of concentration of the light phase in the stirred tank over time (with photometer)

startup/shutdown and operation of a disc centrifuge





[1]continuous separation of emulsions with a disc centrifuge

[2]HDPE tank with stirring machine to produce an emulsion

[3]centrifugal pump to deliver the emulsion to the centrifuge

[4]adjustment of emulsion flow rate by valve

[5]centrifuge speed adjustable by potentiometer

[6]speed-controlled stirring machine with digital torque indicator

[7]3 interchangeable stirrers

[8]collector tank for separated phase

Technical Data Disc centrifuge

power consumption: 7500W

max. usable diameter: approx. 300mm

max. speed: 6480rpm Stirring machine

power consumption: 140W

speed: 30…1000rpm Stirrer

2x paddle stirrers: 3/10 holes

1x stirrer with 3 blades Centrifugal pump

max. flow rate: 300L/min

max. head: 9,5m Tanks

stirred tank: 200L

collector tank: 14L

Measuring ranges

speed (centrifuge): approx. 0…8000rpm

speed (stirring machine): 30…1000rpm

torque (stirring machine): 0…200Ncm Dimensions and Weight

LxWxH: 3000x1000x1800mm

Weight: approx. 1100kg

Material of construction: stainless steel

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