Distribution Trainer Electrical Lab Equipment Educational Equipment

Distribution Trainer Electrical Lab Equipment Educational Equipment

 ZE3424 Distribution Trainer Electrical Lab Equipment Educational Equipment For Vocational Training Center, Technical Institution, Engineering University, TVET Schools.


ZE3424 Distribution Trainer Electrical Lab Equipment Educational Equipment


Product Overview

1.1 Overview

The experimental setup simulates a power supply network. The “distributed control trainer” mode is widely used in the learning of typical distributed trainers. Through experiments, the principle of control mode and the corresponding knowledge and skills can be mastered. It is suitable for higher vocational colleges, secondary vocational colleges and related vocational colleges. Professional Teaching and Skills Training Examination

1.2 Features

(1) The training platform adopts an aluminum profile column frame structure, and the coordination of each unit is flexible, easy to use, and not easy to damage.

(2) The experimental circuit and devices are fully configured and can be used in combination to complete the training content of various subjects.

II.Performance Parameter

Input power: AC380V±10%

Input voltage: ≤1kw

Working environment:

1) Temperature: -10℃~+40℃;

2) Relative humidity: ≤90% (+20°C);

3) Altitude: ≤4000m;

4) The air is clean, no corrosive and explosive gas, no conductive dust and dust that can damage insulation

III. Completable Training Content

Experiment 1 Equipment Operation Experiment

Experiment 2 Long-distance Power Transmission Experiment

Experiment 3 Circuit Recognition Experiment

Experiment 4 Recognition of Professional Terms

Experiment 5 Wire Wear during Pay-off

Experiment 6 Path Selection

Experiment 7 UHV Transformer Introduction

Experiment 8 Transformer Classification and Fault Introduction

Experiment 9 Cable Introduction

Experiment 10 Cable Types and Application Introduction

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