Electrical Engineering Workbench Electrical Lab Equipment Educational Equipment

Electrical Engineering Workbench Electrical Lab Equipment Educational Equipment

ZE3210 Electrical Engineering Workbench Electrical Lab Equipment Educational Equipment For Vocational Training Center, Technical Institution, Engineering University, TVET Schools.


ZE3210 Electrical Engineering Workbench Electrical Lab Equipment Educational Equipment

Power: 220 to 380 Volt

  • Include: transformer, ammeters, voltmeters,
  • inductors, capacitor bank, rectifier diodes, capacitor, resistor, halogen lamps and switch with switches

Power: 1.5 KiloVoltiamperio

  • Type: Three-phase

Additional characteristics

Measurement of power circuits can be performed.

The connection must be through a banana terminal.

The type of the station must be bancada.

It must allow the insertion of the modules didactic.

It must allow the analysis of phenomena with electric and magnetic fields.

A physical understanding of alternating current and current electric generators

keep going.

It must allow the analysis and assembly of RLC circuits with resistors, capacitors, inductors and lamps.

The knot and mesh laws of Kirchoff.

Include the association of capacitors, inductors and resistors in series and parallel.·

Include the transformation ratio of the variables: voltage, current and power in transformers.’

Include a transformer module.

Include two 0.5Acc ammeter modules.

Include two 1Acc ammeter modules.

Include a 5Acc ammeter module.

Include three 1Aca ammeter modules.

Include a 5Aca ammeter module.

Include two 30Vdc voltmeter modules.

Include a 60Vdc voltmeter module.

Include a 60Vac voltmeter module.

Include a 250Vac voltmeter module

Include two 220Vac inductor modules.

Include a 250Vac capacitor bank module.

Include at least two 220Vac inductor modules.

Include at least one 220Vac inductor module.

Include a diode module with 06 6A rectifier diodes 1000V.

Include a module with 63V electrolytic capacitor.

Include a resistor module.

Include three lamp modules with 01 halogen lamp 220Vac.

Include a switch module with 04 switches.

The source must have protection against short circuit, overload and electric shock.

The modules must have at least the degree of protection IP20, structural type TS and indelible identification with rear closure.

It must be possible to fix the modules without the use of tools.

Include the installation and commissioning of the equipment.

Include training in the use and handling of the equipment.

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