Energy Losses In Pipes Fluids Mechanics Lab Equipment Educational Equipment

Energy Losses In Pipes Fluids Mechanics Lab Equipment Educational Equipment

ZM8203 Energy Losses In Pipes Fluids Mechanics Lab Equipment Educational Equipment For Vocational Training Center, Technical Institution, Engineering University, TVET Schools.


ZM8203 Energy Losses In Pipes Fluids Mechanics Lab Equipment Educational Equipment

  • Vertical test pipe with pressure tappings at entry and exit
  • Feed either direct from hydraulics bench or from constant head tank

* Water and mercury manometer: supplied as standard

 Quick release fitting for easy correction to hydraulics bench

« Diameter of test pipe: 3.0mm

* Length of lest pipes: 560mm

 Distance between pressure tapping points 510mm

  Range of mercury manometer  500mm

  • Range of water manometer: 500mm  

Measuring cylinder capacity: 1000ml

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