Energy Losses In Pipes Hydrodynamics Experiment Apparatus Didactic Equipment

Energy Losses In Pipes Hydrodynamics Experiment Apparatus Didactic Equipment

ZM7132 Energy Losses In Pipes Hydrodynamics Experiment Apparatus Didactic Equipment For Vocational Training Center, Technical Institution, Engineering University, TVET Schools.


ZM7132 Energy Losses In Pipes Hydrodynamics Experiment Apparatus Didactic Equipment


  1. Stainless structure.
  2. Screws, nuts, plates and all the metallic elements in stainless steel.
  3. Diagram in the front panel with similar distribution to the elements in the real unit.
  4. Quick connections for adaptation to feed hydraulics source.


  1. Test pipe of 4 mm. of inner diameter, 6 mm. of external diameter and 500 mm. of length.

6.1 differential manometer of water column.

  1. Manometer scale: 0 to 500 mm (water).

8.2 Bourdon type manometers range: 0 to 2 bar.

  1. Constant height tank.
  2. Easy and quick coupling system built-in.
  3. Anodized aluminium structure and panels in painted steel.
  4. Dimensions: 330 x 330 x 900 mm. approx.    

13.Weight: 30 Kg. approx.

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