Fitting Loss Training Panel Fluids Mechanics Lab Equipment Teaching Equipment

Fitting Loss Training Panel Fluids Mechanics Lab Equipment Teaching Equipment

ZF1119A Fitting Loss Training Panel Fluids Mechanics Lab Equipment Teaching Equipment For Vocational Training Center, Technical Institution, Engineering University, TVET Schools.


ZF1119A Fitting Loss Training Panel Fluids Mechanics Lab Equipment Teaching Equipment


Training panel for investigating the pressure losses in pipe fittings such as elbows and bends

4different measuring sections, measured length of each section 2300mm, 10 elbows/bends

Pressure measurement with annular chambers with electronic differential pressure gauge

Flow rate measurement with Rota meter

Hose connections made using quick action coupling

Water feed via pressure reducer

Cold water connection

Differential pressure gauge with bleed – measuring range: 0…2000mbar – supply: 9V, battery-operated

Rota meter: measuring range 150…1600ltr/h

Outlet pressure at pressure reducer: 0.5…2bar

Pipe sections: measured length: 2300mm – Pipe section 1: steel,  bend

1/2″, 90° bend – Pipe section 3: copper 18x1mm, 90° elbow – Pipe section 4: copper 18x1mm, 90° bend

Pipe and Fittings

7mm bore test section

13.6mm bore test section

13.6mm bore test section with four bends

13.6mm bore test section with four elbows

13.6mm bore test section with ball valve

13.6mm bore test section with angle seated valve

Expeirmental  Capabilities

Determination of pressure drop across various pipes and fittings at differnet flow rates

Flow rate/diameter relationship determination for flid flow in pipes

Estimation of loss coefficient (K) for various pipes, pipe fitting and valve settings

Friction Factor determination for fluid flow in smooth pipes

Brand: Shouldshine


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