Flow Over A Notch Accessories Hydrodynamics Lab Educational Equipment

Flow Over A Notch Accessories Hydrodynamics Lab Educational Equipment

ZM8143 Flow Over A Notch Accessories Hydrodynamics Lab Educational Equipment For Vocational Training Center, Technical Institution, Engineering University, TVET Schools.


ZM8143 Flow Over A Notch Accessories Hydrodynamics Lab Educational Equipment

Purpose – To help students to study the characteristics of flow over rectangular and V notches.


  • Two weir plates to fit in channel of hydraulics Bench
  • Vernier hook and point gauge with carrier
  • Stilling baffle

Two weir plates of different shape are provided allowing familiarization and comparison with theory.


➤ Demonstrating the characteristics of flow over a rectangular notch

➤ Demonstrating the characteristics of flow over a vee notch

➤ Determining the coefficient of discharge


  • Overall dimensions of weir plates:
  • height 160mm
  • width 230mm
  • thickness 4mm (2mm)
  • Dimensions of rectangular notch: height- 82mm and width -30mm
  • Angle of vee notch weir: 900 inclusive
  • Hook & point gauge range: 0 to 150mm  

Accuracy 0.1mm

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