Fluid Friction Apparatus Hydrodynamics Experiment Apparatus Educational Equipment

Fluid Friction Apparatus Hydrodynamics Experiment Apparatus Educational Equipment

ZF1126A Fluid Friction Apparatus Hydrodynamics Experiment Apparatus Educational Equipment For Vocational Training Center, Technical Institution, Engineering University, TVET Schools.


ZF1126A Fluid Friction Apparatus Hydrodynamics Experiment Apparatus Educational Equipment

Measuring system for investigating flow losses

 Measured section with standardised pipe lengths and pipes made of different materials and of different diameters

 Measured section with various elbows and bends

 Measured section with various isolating fittings

 Measured section with various transparent measured objects

High Quality frame and back board to support test circuits

Overall dimensions:

 * Height : 1.05m form the ground level

 * Width : 2.25m

 * Depth : 0.43m

Test Pipe Diameters:

Smooth-bore pipes of various diameters




An artificially roughened pipe (17mm)

 The Pipe network should have 90° Bends, 90° elbow,90°T, 45°elbow & Y.

Sudden enlargement

Sudden contraction

Ball Valve

Gate Valve

Globe valve

Inline strainer

Venturi made of clear acrylic

orifice palte made of clear acrylic

Pitot Static tube section made of clear acrylic

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