Fluid Statistic And Manometer Apparatus Hydrodynamics Lab Teaching Equipment

Fluid Statistic And Manometer Apparatus Hydrodynamics Lab Teaching Equipment

ZM8208 Fluid Statistic And Manometer Apparatus Hydrodynamics Lab Teaching Equipment For Vocational Training Center, Technical Institution, Engineering University, TVET Schools.


ZM8208 Fluid Statistic And Manometer Apparatus Hydrodynamics Lab Teaching Equipment


  • designed to demonstrate the properties of Newtonian fluids and their behaviour under hydrostatic conditions (fluid at rest).
  • This enables students to develop an understanding and knowledge of a wide range of fundamental principles and techniques, before studying fluids in motion.

These include the use of fluids in manometers to measure

  • pressure and pressure differences in gases and liquids.

Technical details:

Overall dimensions:

Height: 1250mm (maximum to top of level gauge)

Width: 425mm

Depth: 150mm

Max depth inside reservoir: 574mm

Inside diameter of reservoir: 100mm

Scale length of manometer tubes: 460mm

Manometer tubes incorporated:

1x ‘U’ tube

2x Vertical parallel tubes

1x Vertical tube with varying cross section

1x Vertical tube with pivot enabling

operation at three different inclinations

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