Free And Forced Convection From Flat Pinned And Finned Plates Thermal Laboratory Equipment Didactic Equipment

Free And Forced Convection From Flat Pinned And Finned Plates Thermal Laboratory Equipment Didactic Equipment

H112P Free And Forced Convection From Flat Pinned And Finned Plates Thermal Laboratory Equipment Didactic Equipment For Vocational Training Center, Technical Institution, Engineering University, TVET Schools.


H112P Free And Forced Convection From Flat Pinned And Finned Plates Thermal Laboratory Equipment Didactic Equipment

A bench top accessory designed to allow students to experimentally investigate both free (natural) convection and forced convection.

The accessory includes a small, variable velocity wind tunnel with a digital velocity meter and a central aperture. Three plates with integral heaters and temperature sensors are also supplied that are designed to fit in the central aperture in the wind tunnel.

A heated flat plate with surface thermocouple may be directly compared with a similar pinned plate and finned plate also fitted with a surface thermocouple.

In addition to expanding understanding of the heat transfer enhancement from extended surfaces, the pinned and finned plates each have three thermocouples arranged at intervals along a fin and a pin. This allows investigation of the temperature distribution along the extended surfaces.

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