Ground Water Flow Unit Demonstration Capabilities Fluid Mechanics Experiment Equipment Educational Equipment

Ground Water Flow Unit Demonstration Capabilities Fluid Mechanics Experiment Equipment Educational Equipment

ZM8117 Ground Water Flow Unit Demonstration Capabilities Fluid Mechanics Experiment Equipment Educational Equipment For Vocational Training Center, Technical Institution, Engineering University, TVET Schools.


ZM8117 Ground Water Flow Unit Demonstration Capabilities Fluid Mechanics Experiment Equipment Educational Equipment

➤Hydraulic gradients in ground water flow, including the effect of permeability.
➤Cone of depression for a single well in an unconfirmed aquifer
➤Abstraction from a single well in a confined aquifer
➤Cone of depression for two wells.
➤De-watering of an excavation site using two wells
➤Draining of a polder or lake.
• Tank:- Length: 990mm
• Width: 490mm
• Depth: 235mm
• Piezometer:-
• Range: 0 to 155mm
• Calibrated: 1mm intervals

• A bench-standing sand tank capableof demonstrating, on a small scale,the hydrological principles of groundwater flow.
• The unit allows simple threedimensional flow situations to be setup quickly and measurements ofpiezometric levels taken atappropriate positions within themodel under study.
• The accompanying instructionmanual describes six basicdemonstrations of importance inEngineering Hydrology.

• Length: 1115mm
• Width: 585mm

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