Heat Exchanger Supply Unit with Accessories Thermal Laboratory Equipment Vocational Training Equipment

Heat Exchanger Supply Unit with Accessories Thermal Laboratory Equipment Vocational Training Equipment

SR3030 Heat Exchanger Supply Unit with Accessories Thermal Laboratory Equipment Vocational Training Equipment For Vocational Training Center, Technical Institution, Engineering University, TVET Schools.


SR3030 Heat Exchanger Supply Unit with Accessories Thermal Laboratory Equipment Vocational Training Equipment

The unit shall perform the following experiments and investigations:

Learning Objectives / Experiments

in conjunction with a heat exchanger (accessory, not included)

plotting temperature curves

determining the mean heat transfer coefficient

comparing different heat exchanger types To be supplied with follow accessories;

ØTubular heat exchanger

ØPlate heat exchanger

ØShell & tube heat exchanger

ØStirred tank with double jacket and coil

ØWater chiller


[1]supply unit for heat exchangers

[2]hot water circuit with tank, heater, temperature controller, pump and protection against lack of water

[3]cold water circuit from laboratory mains or water chiller (accessory, not included)

[4]temperature controller controls the temperature of hot water

[5]flow adjustable using valves

[6]digital displays for 6 temperature and 2 flow rate sensors

[7]water connections with quick-release couplings

[8]stirring machine connection with speed adjustment (accessory, not included)

Technical Data Pump

power consumption: 120W

max. flow rate: 600L/h

max. head: 30m Heater

power output: 3kW

thermostat: 0…70°C

Hot water tank: approx. 10L Measuring ranges

temperature: 6x 0…100°C

flow rate: 2x 20…250L/h

Dimensions and Weight LxWxH: 1000x670x550mm Weight: approx. 60kg

Tubular heat exchanger

in conjunction with supply unit

function and behaviour during operation of a tubular heat exchanger

plotting temperature curves: in parallel flow operation

in counterflow operation

calculation of mean heat transfer coefficient

comparison with other heat exchanger types Specification

[1]tubular heat exchanger for connection supply unit

[2]hot and cold water supply from supply unit

[3]parallel flow and counterflow operation possible

[4]recording of temperature using supply unit and two additional temperature sensors for measuring the central temperature

Technical Data

Heat transfer surfaces

mean transfer surface: 250cm² Inner tube, stainless steel

outer diameter: 12mm

wall thickness: 1mm

Outer tube, transparent (PMMA)

outer diameter: 20mm

wall thickness: 2mm Measuring ranges

temperature: 2x 0…100°C Dimensions and Weight LxWxH: 480x230x150mm Weight: approx. 4kg

Plate heat exchanger

in conjunction with supply unit

function and behaviour during operation of a plate heat exchanger

plotting temperature curves: in parallel flow operation

in counterflow operation

calculation of mean heat transfer coefficient

comparison with other heat exchanger types Specification

[1]plate heat exchanger for connection to supply unit

[2]hot and cold water supply from supply unit

[3]parallel flow and counterflow operation possible

[4]six soldered plates

[5]recording of temperature using supply unit Technical Data

6 plates, stainless steel Heat transfer surface: 480cm²

Dimensions and Weight LxWxH: 400x230x85mm Weight: approx. 3kg

Shell & tube heat exchanger

in conjunction with supply unit

function and behaviour during operation of shell and tube heat exchanger

plotting temperature curves: in cross parallel flow operation in cross counterflow operation

calculation of mean heat transfer coefficient

comparison with other heat exchanger types Specification

[1]shell and tube heat exchanger (cross-flow) for connection to supply unit

[2]hot and cold water supply from supply unit

[3]cross parallel flow and cross counterflow operation possible

[4]transparent shell, visible tube bundle

[5]tube bundle consisting of 7 tubes and 4 baffle plates

[6]recording of temperature using supply unit Technical Data

Heat transfer surface: 200cm² Tube bundle, stainless steel

outer diameter: 6mm

wall thickness: 1mm

tubes, 7

Shell, transparent (PMMA)

outer diameter: 50mm

wall thickness: 3mm

Dimensions and Weight LxWxH: 400x230x110mm Weight: approx. 3kg

Stirred tank with double jacket and coil

in conjunction with supply unit

function and behaviour during operation of a stirred tank with double jacket and coil

plotting time curves:

heating mode with jacket heating mode with coiled tube

influence of a stirring machine

comparison with other heat exchanger types Specification

[1]stirred tank for connection to supply unit

[2]hot and cold water supply from supply unit

[3]heating using jacket or coiled tube

[4]stirring machine can be used in all modes

[5]speed of stirring machine adjustable using supply unit

[6]visible working area due to transparent cover

[7]recording of temperature using supply unit and additional temperature sensor for measuring temperature in tank

Technical Data Stirred tank

nominal capacity: approx. 1200mL Stirring machine

speed: 0…330rpm Heat transfer surface

jacket (stainless steel): approx. 500cm²

coil (stainless steel): approx. 500cm² Measuring ranges

temperature: 0…100°C

Dimensions and Weight LxWxH: 400x230x400mm Weight: approx. 8kg

Water chiller


[1]water chiller

[2]main components: refrigeration unit to chill water, water tank, circulating pump

[3]electronic controller for water temperature

[4]connection to the base units using hoses with rapid action couplings

[5]refrigerant R134a, environmentally friendly

Technical Data Centrifugal pump

max. flow rate: 600L/h

max. head: 30m

power consumption: 120W Refrigeration system

refrigeration capacity: 833W at -10/32°C

power consumption: 367W Tank: 15L

Dimensions and Weight LxWxH: 1000x630x530mm Weight: approx. 76kg

Material of construction: stainless steel

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