Heat Transfer In A Tubular Heat Exchanger Thermal Lab Equipment Technical Training Equipment

Heat Transfer In A Tubular Heat Exchanger Thermal Lab Equipment Technical Training Equipment

TB220607S01 Heat Transfer In A Tubular Heat Exchanger Thermal Lab Equipment Technical Training Equipment For Vocational Training Center, Technical Institution, Engineering University, TVET Schools.


TB220607S01 Heat Transfer In A Tubular Heat Exchanger Thermal Lab Equipment Technical Training Equipment

I.Product Overview

1.1 Overview

The tube-type heat transfer test bench is a practical training and teaching device used in the laboratory to study the heat conduction between fluids in the process of pipeline flow. The core part of the test bench is a casing, hot water flows in the inner tube, and cold water flows in the outer tube. When flowing, the hot water transfers part of the heat energy to the cold water. The flow direction of water can be adjusted to study the heat transfer process in different arrangements such as forward flow and reverse flow. Temperature sensors are arranged at the inlet and outlet and in the middle of the pipe wall to measure the water temperature and wall temperature. The hot water circuit consists of a water tank with an electric heater and a water pump, and the flow of hot and cold water can be adjusted through valves. The temperature and flow of each point in the circuit can be read directly on the digital display, and can also be directly transmitted to the PC via USB for further processing. Through related experiments, students can become familiar with the basic knowledge of heat transfer during pipeline flow.

1.2 Features

The flow direction of water in the loop circulation of the test bench can be adjusted, which is used to test different heat transfer processes such as forward flow and countercurrent flow;

The circulating water temperature and circulating water flow in the loop can be adjusted smoothly;

Transient data in the process of changing the workbench is directly displayed on the display in digital form;

All kinds of physical quantity data during the change process of the workbench can also be transmitted to the PC through the USB interface for further processing;

Equipment Name Specification Remark
Heater Power 3000W
  Temperature 20-85℃
Water pump Power 70W
  Flow 4m3/h
  Maximum head 4m
Water tank Volume 6.5L
Heat transfer area Effective heat transfer area 0.013m2
Measuring range Temperature 7*0-100℃
  Flow 2*20-250L/h
Power parameters Voltage frequency 230V,50Hz,single-phase
Size parameters length x width x height 1000x580x1070mm
  Weight About 50kg

II.Performance Parameter

III. The experimental content can be completed

Experiment 1: Influence of Temperature on Heat Exchange Process in Pipeline Heat Transfer with Downstream Arrangement

Experiment 2 Influence of Flow Rate on Heat Exchange Process in Pipeline Heat Transfer with Downstream Arrangement

Experiment 3 Influence of initial value of temperature in heat transfer of double-pipe heat exchanger with countercurrent arrangement

Experiment 4 Influence of Flow Rate on Heat Exchange Process in Heat Transfer of Pipelines with Counter-current Arrangement

Experiment 5 Software usage

Experiment 6 Software data export

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