Heat Transfer Service Unit Heat Transfer Training Equipment Teaching Equipment

Heat Transfer Service Unit Heat Transfer Training Equipment Teaching Equipment

H112 Heat Transfer Service Unit Heat Transfer Training Equipment Teaching Equipment For Vocational Training Center, Technical Institution, Engineering University, TVET Schools.


H112 Heat Transfer Service Unit Heat Transfer Training Equipment Teaching Equipment

A fully instrumented bench top Heat Transfer Service Unit providing regulated and adjustable AC power for all of the optional modules plus a number of auxiliary power outlets. The unit includes instrumentation that is common to all modules, this being a 12 point digital temperature indicator and digital current and voltage meter. Where appropriate, additional instrumentation is supplied with the various optional modules.

The range of optional modules currently includes convection, conduction (steady state and transient),

radiation, perfect gases, thermodynamic properties of fluids and solid materials, enhanced methods of heat transfer, thermoelectric heat transfer, boiling and condensing heat transfer and a closed cycle heat engine. However the range is continuously being expanded.

Internal electronic and mechanical safety devices to allow for unsupervised operation by students. Optional data acquisition is available for attachment to this unit.

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