Hele Shaw Apparatus Fluid Mechanics Experiment Equipment Vocational Training Equipment

Hele Shaw Apparatus Fluid Mechanics Experiment Equipment Vocational Training Equipment

ZM8125 Hele Shaw Apparatus Fluid Mechanics Experiment Equipment Vocational Training Equipment For Vocational Training Center, Technical Institution, Engineering University, TVET Schools.


ZM8125 Hele Shaw Apparatus Fluid Mechanics Experiment Equipment Vocational Training Equipment

This must be realized to study and demonstrate potential flow. It must include a test channel where different rubber models can be pressured between two plates. Several rubber models, such as circular, rectangle and acrofoil, must be includeed in the basic unit. The upper glass plate must be mobile in orde to insert models. The lower one contains samll holses to be connected to a water source or water sink. Streamlines around test models must be clealy shown by using a regulated flow of dye solution.

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