Hydraulics Bench Hydrodynamics Laboratory Equipment Educational Equipment

Hydraulics Bench Hydrodynamics Laboratory Equipment Educational Equipment

ZM7139 Hydraulics Bench Hydrodynamics Laboratory Equipment Educational Equipment For Vocational Training Center, Technical Institution, Engineering University, TVET Schools.


ZM7139 Hydraulics Bench Hydrodynamics Laboratory Equipment Educational Equipment

Equipment overview:

1.This equipment is the basic module for fluid mechanics, it is used for supplying water source, measuring experiment platform. Allows different experiment section in fluid mechanics. Basic module supplied basic experiment equipment: close circle water supply, volume flow, positioning experiment measurement to basic work module working area and collecting drop. Close type water cycle contains a strong function  submersible pump and measuring tank. The collected water. Measuring tank is strengthen, the volume is bigger, volume is smaller. Use a timer to test volume flow.

2.The top working surface makes various experiment set easy to position safety.  

1).When doing experiment, put this experiment module to the top of experiment equipment, prevent water flow to other place, connect outlet and testing equipment inlet by soft tube. And fasten tube, so avoid leakage of water.  

2).First turn on decompression valve fully, turn off stop valve, power off pump, go into stand by, according to different experiment module, adjust the switch of decompression valve and stop valve, adjust different pressure, different flow so as to meet experiment module water supply requirement.  

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