Hydrostatic Pressure Apparatus Fluids Mechanics Lab Equipment Didactic Equipment

Hydrostatic Pressure Apparatus Fluids Mechanics Lab Equipment Didactic Equipment

ZM8142 Hydrostatic Pressure Apparatus Fluids Mechanics Lab Equipment Didactic Equipment For Vocational Training Center, Technical Institution, Engineering University, TVET Schools.


ZM8142 Hydrostatic Pressure Apparatus Fluids Mechanics Lab Equipment Didactic Equipment

Purpose – The Hydrostatic Pressure accessory allows students to determine the static thrust exerted by a fluid on a submerged surface and enables comparison of the measured magnitude and position of this force with simple theory.


  • Flotation tank with adjustable feet
  • Accurately formed plastic quadrant
  • Lever arm with counterbalance and weight hanger
  • Quick release fitting for easy connection to hydraulics bench



Determining the centre of pressure on both a submerged or partially submerged plane surface and comparison with the theoretical position


  • Tank capacity: 5.5 liters
  • Distance between suspended mass and fulcrum: 275mm
  • Cross-sectional area of quadrant (torrid): 7.5 x 10-3m2
  • Total depth of completely immersed quadrant: 160mm

Height of fulcrum above quadrant: 100mm

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