Industrial Controls Training Bench Electrical Training Equipment Didactic Equipment

Industrial Controls Training Bench Electrical Training Equipment Didactic Equipment

TB-220222-S-01 Industrial Controls Training Bench Electrical Training Equipment Didactic Equipment For Vocational Training Center, Technical Institution, Engineering University, TVET Schools.


TB-220222-S-01 Industrial Controls Training Bench Electrical Training Equipment Didactic Equipment


This device can be use as mobile students training device use, and can be used as mobile teachers demo device, structure and beautiful, easy to use.

The aluminum pillar structure, it also exploiting the base of the castor wheels, Overall, strong, mobile flexible, can tear open outfit type nets orifice plate with plastic-sprayed surface area Richard, forming size for 950×950 mm, drawer uses high strength quarters Guide rail, won’t fall off, it can be placed common tools components etc,

According to the requirements of the various types of power allocation

II.Specific characteristics:

Power supply: 120 to 208 Volt; 

Includes: squirrel cage induction motor with built-in safety brake, set of contactor modules (pilot lights, switches, relays, timers), soft starter, plc, frequency variator, dc motor, speed controller for dc motors, cables security, power supply; 

Power: 0.2 KiloVoltiamperio; 

Type: Three-phase; 

Additional features: allows the insertion of faults for teaching on the location of faults in industrial control circuits, allows practices with PLC, frequency inverter, PWM speed control, soft starter and drive circuits with contactors, Possibility of being extended to carry out tests with photoelectric proximity sensors and limit switches, The station must be bilateral, it allows working and mounting circuits on both sides, It includes simulation software for physical components, Training in the use and handling of the equipment.

Should Shine is committed to a programme of continuous improvement; hence we reserve the right to alter the design and product specification without prior notice.

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