Jet impact Fluid Mechanics Experiment Equipment Didactic Equipment

Jet impact Fluid Mechanics Experiment Equipment Didactic Equipment

ZM8120 Jet impact Fluid Mechanics Experiment Equipment Didactic Equipment For Vocational Training Center, Technical Institution, Engineering University, TVET Schools.


ZM8120 Jet impact Fluid Mechanics Experiment Equipment Didactic Equipment

This unit must be realized for the study of transformation of the kinetic power into mechanic power, applied either on a flat plate or on a curved one. A weight-bar, placed on precision bearings, must hold the fixed test plate. The bar scale, including weight, must measure the kit strength. The weight bar must be set to zero by using a spring. The jet must be produced by a transparent container to better the observation of phenomena. The unit also includes flat test plate and curved test plate.

Main guided experiments that can be performed:

  • measurement of jet impact on flat test plate
  • Measurement of jet impact on curved test plate
  • Study of flow quantity

Dimensions/l 0.56*0.56*0.8m


Service required: water supply 0-6 bar, 1 l/s and drain


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