Jet Trajectory and Orifice Flow Educational Equipment Fluids Engineering Training Equipment

Jet Trajectory and Orifice Flow Educational Equipment Fluids Engineering Training Equipment

ZM9116 Jet Trajectory and Orifice Flow Educational Equipment Fluids Engineering Training Equipment For Vocational Training Center, Technical Institution, Engineering University, TVET Schools.


ZM9116 Jet Trajectory and Orifice Flow Educational Equipment Fluids Engineering Training Equipment


Jet Trajectory and Orifice Flow apparatus allows students to measure:

  • Decrease in flow
  • Contraction of the stream
  • Energy loss

They make these measurements as water discharges from four vertically mounted, interchangeable nozzles with diff erent throat (orifice) designs. It also allows students to study the trajectory profi les of water jets from the nozzles when mounted horizontally. The equipment is for use with Hydraulic Bench and stands on the hydraulic bench worktop. The apparatus has a transparent cylindrical tank, with a mounting in the base for the nozzles. The nozzles either fi t to the unit to discharge water vertically (down) or horizontally, dependent on the experiment taking place. They are easily interchangeable. Water fl ows into the tank from the hydraulic bench through an adjustable diff user. The fl ow rate and an overfl ow pipe set the water level. To change the level in the tank (and so the head on the orifice), students adjust the fl ow to the diff user. Water leaves the tank through the nozzles. The jet that leaves the orifi ce discharges into the hydraulic bench measuring tank.

Manometers measure the total head on the orifi ce and under the jet. A traverse assembly allows students to position a Pitot tube anywhere in the jet. A sharp blade accurately measures the jet diameter, so students can fi nd the contraction coeffi cient. To measure trajectory of jets, students fi t a nozzle to the side (horizontal) mounting and use a bung to seal the vertical exit. They then use the plotting board and depth gauge pins to plot the jet trajectory onto graph paper.


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