Losses in Piping Systems Vocational Training Equipment Fluids Engineering Experiment Equipment

Losses in Piping Systems Vocational Training Equipment Fluids Engineering Experiment Equipment

ZM9118 Losses in Piping Systems Vocational Training Equipment Fluids Engineering Experiment Equipment For Vocational Training Center, Technical Institution, Engineering University, TVET Schools.


ZM9118 Losses in Piping Systems Vocational Training Equipment Fluids Engineering Experiment Equipment


The Losses in Piping Systems apparatus is a vertical panel with two separate hydraulic circuits, colour-coded for clarity. Each circuit includes various pipe system components. The unit has wheels for mobility, which also help when storing the apparatus. Digital Hydraulic Bench supplies each circuit with a controlled flow of water. This allows students to study fl ow through the various pipe forms and components, and study and compare the pipe and component characteristics. The circuits are made of small-bore copper pipe, used in a wide variety of applications such as domestic centralheating systems. The small bore allows the circuits to include many pipe bends and components, while preserving eff ective upstream and downstream test lengths. To measure pressure loss across components, the panel includes piezometer tubes and a pressure gauge. The pressure gauge measures pressure loss across valves; the piezometer tubes measure pressure loss across the other components. Included is a hand-pump to adjust the datum position of the piezometers.

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