Movable Cabinet Electrical Engineering Training Equipment Educational Equipment

Movable Cabinet Electrical Engineering Training Equipment Educational Equipment

ZE2102 Movable Cabinet Electrical Engineering Training Equipment Educational Equipment For Vocational Training Center, Technical Institution, Engineering University, TVET Schools.


ZE2102 Movable Cabinet Electrical Engineering Training Equipment Educational Equipment


Motor base (2.5 mm thick plate, black plastic spraying), appearance beautiful and easy. The bottom four only install shockproof pads.

With security experiment terminals, pick up the conversion, convenient method may meet for Y shape or form of accidents. Have the security, easy operation does not damage easily motor characteristics of the terminal.

The United States military standard configuration safety test article 6 line 1 m (safety test plugs φ 4 wiring inserted).

Technical parameter

three-phase asynchronous motor starting

with the speed: Y-enables delta

The power rating: PN = 0.25 KW

The rated voltage: UN = 380 V

Rated frequency: FN = frequency 50 Hz

Rated current IN = 0.83 A

Insulation level: grade E

Shell protection level: IP44

The rated speed: 1400 r/min

Extreme number: 4 very

Voltage lasted 1 m not occur breakdown

Cos Φ = 0.7 (no-load)

Normal motor insulation resistance: 500 M Ω

Electrical strength: hot state or temperature rise test, electromotor winding and between cabinet put 1760 V

Clearance and creepage distance: 3.0 mm frequency

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