Orifice and Free Jet Velocity Apparatus Fluids Mechanics Lab Equipment Vocational Training Equipment

Orifice and Free Jet Velocity Apparatus Fluids Mechanics Lab Equipment Vocational Training Equipment

ZM8147 Orifice and Free Jet Velocity Apparatus Fluids Mechanics Lab Equipment Vocational Training Equipment For Vocational Training Center, Technical Institution, Engineering University, TVET Schools.


ZM8147 Orifice and Free Jet Velocity Apparatus Fluids Mechanics Lab Equipment Vocational Training Equipment

Purpose – To enable students to demonstrate calibration of two orifices of differing diameter and enables them to plot the trajectory of the jet.


  • Constant head tank with two interchangeable orifices
  • Quick release fitting for easy connection to hydraulics bench
  • Jet trajectory measured and plotted using adjustable pointers

This equipment permits calibration of two orifices of differing diameter.


  • Establishing the coefficient of velocity for a small orifice
  • Finding experimentally the coefficient of discharge for a small orifice with flow under constant head and flow under varying head
  • Comparing the measured trajectory of a jet with that  predicted by simple theory of mechanics


  • Orifice diameters: 3.0mm and 6.0mm
  • Jet trajectory probes: 8

Max. constant head: 410mm

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