Orifice Discharge Apparatus Hydrodynamics Laboratory Equipment Educational Equipment

Orifice Discharge Apparatus Hydrodynamics Laboratory Equipment Educational Equipment

ZM8148 Orifice Discharge Apparatus Hydrodynamics Laboratory Equipment Educational Equipment For Vocational Training Center, Technical Institution, Engineering University, TVET Schools.


ZM8148 Orifice Discharge Apparatus Hydrodynamics Laboratory Equipment Educational Equipment

Purpose – To enable students to conduct full analysis of the flow through five different orifices over a range of flow rates.


  • Cylindrical glass tank with orifice fitted in base
  • Five interchangeable orifices
  • Pitot tube and knife edge to measure jet velocity and diameter
  • Quick release fitting for easy connection to hydraulics bench

The Orifice Discharge accessory enables full analysis of the flow through five different orifices over a range of flow rates.

Demonstration CAPABILITIES

➤ Determining the contraction and velocity coefficients

➤ Calculating the discharge coefficient


  • Standard orifice: sharp-edged 13mm diameter
  • head: 365mm
  • Traverse mechanism: lead screw with adjusting nut calibrated 0.1mm per division

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