Pelton Turbine Vocational Training Equipment Hydrology Trainers

Pelton Turbine Vocational Training Equipment Hydrology Trainers

ZM9115 Pelton Turbine Vocational Training Equipment Hydrology Trainers For Vocational Training Center, Technical Institution, Engineering University, TVET Schools.


ZM9115 Pelton Turbine Vocational Training Equipment Hydrology Trainers


Shows students how an impulse (Pelton) turbine works and tests its performance. The Pelton wheel is an important and effi cient fl uid power machine, used in many applications. The product consists of a Pelton wheel mounted in a corrosion-resistant enclosure. A transparent front panel allows students to see the turbine working. An optional Stroboscope can ‘freeze’ the image of the turbine to help students better understand how it works. An adjustable spear valve directs a jet of water through a nozzle to the buckets of the Pelton wheel to make it turn. Manual adjustment of the spear valve controls the water jet from the nozzle. The turbine includes all pipes and fi ttings to connect it to Digital Hydraulic Bench, for fl ow measurement. The Optical Tachometer measures the speed of rotation of the turbine. A simple mechanical brake and spring balance assembly attached to the shaft of the Pelton wheel applies a variable mechanical load (torque). Students use this with the speed (from the optional tachometer) to fi nd power absorbed by the turbine. A gauge measures inlet pressure.

Students adjust the spear valve and measure inlet pressure, fl ow rate and torque (and speed with the optional tachometer). They plot these values to find the turbine performance.

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