Pitot Static Tube Module Hydrodynamics Laboratory Didactic Equipment

Pitot Static Tube Module Hydrodynamics Laboratory Didactic Equipment

ZM7312 Pitot Static Tube Module Hydrodynamics Laboratory Didactic Equipment For Vocational Training Center, Technical Institution, Engineering University, TVET Schools.


ZM7312 Pitot Static Tube Module Hydrodynamics Laboratory Didactic Equipment

Structural Specifications:

Stainless frame.

Screws, nuts, plates and all the metallic elements in stainless steel.

Diagram in the front panel with distribution of the elements similar to the real one.

Quick connections for adaptation to feed hydraulics source.

Technical Data:

Pitot static tube:

Head diameter: 2.5 mm.

Transparent pipe:

32 mm. internal diameter and 430 mm. length approx.

Hose connections.

Water manometer, 500 mm. length.

Easy and quick coupling system built-in.

Anodized aluminum structure and panel of painted steel.

This unit is supplied with 8 manuals: Required Services, Assembly and Installation,

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