Pitot Tube Demonstrator Fluid Mechanics Experiment Equipment Educational Equipment

Pitot Tube Demonstrator Fluid Mechanics Experiment Equipment Educational Equipment

ZM8128 Pitot Tube Demonstrator Fluid Mechanics Experiment Equipment Educational Equipment For Vocational Training Center, Technical Institution, Engineering University, TVET Schools.


ZM8128 Pitot Tube Demonstrator Fluid Mechanics Experiment Equipment Educational Equipment

The PitotTube can be moved across the cross-section of the pipe in order to measure the dynamic head profile.
The position of the measuring tip relative to the wall of the pipe can be read on a scale.
The PitotTube is connected to a pressurised water manometer to measure the differential head across the Pitot static tube.
The F1-33 is designed for use with the Armfield F1-10 Hydraulics Bench and includes compatible connecting tubes.
No additional instrumentation is required to operate the F1-33.

Technical details:
Overall dimensions:
Length: 1.00m
Width: 0.55m
Height: 0.23m
Net weight: 6 kg
Water Supply: from Basic Hydraulics Bench
Requires Hydraulics Bench Service unit

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