Plate And Frame Filter Press Didactic Equipment Fluids Engineering Experiment Equipment

Plate And Frame Filter Press Didactic Equipment Fluids Engineering Experiment Equipment

SR-CE287 Plate And Frame Filter Press Didactic Equipment Fluids Engineering Experiment Equipment For Vocational Training Center, Technical Institution, Engineering University, TVET Schools.


SR-CE287 Plate And Frame Filter Press Didactic Equipment Fluids Engineering Experiment Equipment

I. Product overview

1.1 Product description

The filter press still has a good effect even when dealing with difficult-to-filter materials, and it is easy to be treated with anti-corrosion, and its structure is simple and easy to operate. At present, filter presses have been widely used in chemical, pharmaceutical, metallurgical, ceramics, sugar, pigment, dye, cement, silicate, beverage industries and other industries, as well as municipal and industrial sludge dewatering.

Prepare suspended diatomaceous earth and water in a water tank (recommended). The pump ensures that the solid stays suspended and will not settle. The pump transports the suspension into a separate separation chamber of the filter. A separation chamber is formed by a filter frame and two filter plates. The filter plate has grooves and is covered with filter cloth. The filtrate passes through the filter cloth and flows into the collection tube through the groove on the plate. The filtrate leaves the plate and frame filter through the collection tube and is collected in the filter tank. The solid material is separated on the filter cloth, where it forms a continuously growing filter cake. As the filter cake becomes thicker, its flow resistance also increases. When the separation chamber is full or the maximum pressure difference is reached, the filtration process will end. Separate the plate and frame of the filter to see the filter cake. For the next filter, the plate and frame must be pushed together again. A spindle presses them together. The pressure ensures that the suspension does not leak from the contact point between the plate and the frame, but is forced through the filter cloth. The flow rate of the suspension through the plate and frame is regulated by a valve. The pressure generated during the filtration process is displayed on the pressure gauge.

1.2 Features

The metal frame is corrosion-resistant and can be moved easily.

1.3 Performance parameter

Dimensions: 2350mm*800mm*1200mm

Overall weight: <250kg

Equipment power supply: AC220±10V

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