Precipitation And Flocculation Hydrodynamics Experiment Apparatus Didactic Equipment

Precipitation And Flocculation Hydrodynamics Experiment Apparatus Didactic Equipment

SR3023 Precipitation And Flocculation Hydrodynamics Experiment Apparatus Didactic Equipment For Vocational Training Center, Technical Institution, Engineering University, TVET Schools.


SR3023 Precipitation And Flocculation Hydrodynamics Experiment Apparatus Didactic Equipment

The unit shall perform the following experiments and investigations:

Learning Objectives / Experiments

familiarisation with precipitation and flocculation

effect of the pH value on precipitation

creation of a stable operating state

determination of the required metering quantities (precipitant, coagulant, flocculant)

functional principle of a lamella separator


[1]precipitation and flocculation of dissolved substances (e.g. iron)

[2]separate supply unit with tank and pump for raw water

[3]precipitation tank with stirring machine

[4]flocculation tank with 3 chambers and 4 stirring machines

[5]3 metering pumps for chemicals

[6]sedimentation of the flocs in the lamella separator

[7]measurement of flow rate, temperature and pH value

[8]control of the pH value in the precipitation tank

[9]conductivity meter

Technical Data Tanks

raw water and treated water: each 300L

precipitation tank: 10L

flocculation tank: 45L

sludge tank: 15L Lamella separator

number of lamellas: 6

angle of inclination of lamellas: 60°

Raw water pump

max. flow rate: 180L/h

max. head: 10m Metering pumps

max. flow rate: each 2,1L/h

max. head: each 160m Stirring machines

max speed: each 600rpm Measuring ranges

flow rate: 15…160L/h

pH value: 0…14

temperature: 0…60°C

conductivity: 0…2000µS/cm

Dimensions and Weight

LxWxH: 1550x790x1150mm (supply unit) LxWxH: 3100x790x1950mm (trainer) Total weight: approx. 435kg

Material of construction: stainless steel

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