Pressure Center Apparatus Hydrodynamics Experiment Apparatus Didactic Equipment

Pressure Center Apparatus Hydrodynamics Experiment Apparatus Didactic Equipment

ZM8136 Pressure Center Apparatus Hydrodynamics Experiment Apparatus Didactic Equipment For Vocational Training Center, Technical Institution, Engineering University, TVET Schools.


ZM8136 Pressure Center Apparatus Hydrodynamics Experiment Apparatus Didactic Equipment

This unit must be realized to study the thrust of a fluid mass over a flat surface. The thrust mst be applied on a particular point, called “thrust center” or “pressure center”, that it can be measured at different immersion levels. The water must be held in a transparent container, designed in such a way as to have the side axes coincident with the fulcrum, from which the moment is measured. Due to this particular design of the container, the total fluid pressure exerts no moment around the fulcrum. The only moment arised from fluid pressure on test surface. The moment must be measured by using weights hanged to the level arm.

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