Sediment Transport Demonstration Teaching Equipment Hydrodynamics Laboratory Equipment

Sediment Transport Demonstration Teaching Equipment Hydrodynamics Laboratory Equipment

ZM8162 Sediment Transport Demonstration Teaching Equipment Hydrodynamics Laboratory Equipment For Vocational Training Center, Technical Institution, Engineering University, TVET Schools.


ZM8162 Sediment Transport Demonstration Teaching Equipment Hydrodynamics Laboratory Equipment

 (which can demonstrate flow over a mobile sand bed, fixed bed flow, sediment transport, scouring and others)

  • Technical Specification

Need to have;

  • Glass sided transparent flow channel which allow recirculation of water by using pump
  • Need to work in different discharge rates
  • Provision of weir and bridge pier models
  • Water level gauge
  • The working section need to be greater than 1 meter.
  • Requirement
  • Instructional manual

Installation of all the equipment and Training for 5 personnel

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