Shell Tube Heat Exchanger Thermal Training Equipment Teaching Equipment

Shell Tube Heat Exchanger Thermal Training Equipment Teaching Equipment

SR-WL352 Shell Tube Heat Exchanger Thermal Training Equipment Teaching Equipment For Vocational Training Center, Technical Institution, Engineering University, TVET Schools.


SR-WL352 Shell Tube Heat Exchanger Thermal Training Equipment Teaching Equipment

Objective: To determine overall heat transfer co-efficient

Utilities Required:

Water supply and drain, Electricity Supply: 1 Phase, 220 V Ac, 2 Amp

Table For Set-Up Support, control panel, instruction manual in English and other accessories

Technical Details:

System: Water To Water (1 – 2 Shell & Tube Type)

Shell : Material Stainless Steel Insulated With Ceramic Wool And

Cladded With Aluminum Foil

Dia 220 Mm, Length 500 Mm (Approx )

25% Cut Baffles At 100 Mm Distance 4 Nos

Tube: Od 16mm Approx , Length 500mm (24 Nos )

Water Flow Measurement: Rota Meters (2nos ) One Each For Cold & Hot Fluid

Hot Water Tank: Made Of Stainless Steel Insulated With Ceramic Fibre Wool

Hot Water Circulation : Magnetic Pump

Heaters: Nichrome Wire Heater (2 Nos )

Control Panel Comprising Of

Digital Temp Controller: 0-199 90c, (For Hot Water Tank)

Digital Temp Indicator: 0-199 90c, With Multi-Channel Switch

Temperature Sensors: Rtd Pt-100 Type

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