Stand For Laboratory Work On The Course “Electrical Machines” Electrical Engineering Training Equipment Teaching Equipment

Stand For Laboratory Work On The Course “Electrical Machines” Electrical Engineering Training Equipment Teaching Equipment

ZE3412 Stand For Laboratory Work On The Course “Electrical Machines” Electrical Engineering Training Equipment Teaching Equipment For Vocational Training Center, Technical Institution, Engineering University, TVET Schools.


ZE3412 Stand For Laboratory Work On The Course “Electrical Machines” Electrical Engineering Training Equipment Teaching Equipment

We supply desktop training frame structure.

Investigation of three-phase transformer (by the idle, by a short circuit, the definition of groups of compounds by a voltmeter, the external characteristics, parallel operation).

Investigation of the induction motor (squirrel cage, wound rotor)

3.Investigation of the synchronous generator (characteristics of idling, short circuit, parallel operation with the network)

Investigation of the synchronous motor

Investigation of the induction regulator.

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