Stand On Electrical Measurements In Power Systems Electrical Engineering Training Equipment Teaching Equipment

Stand On Electrical Measurements In Power Systems Electrical Engineering Training Equipment Teaching Equipment

ZE3416 Stand On Electrical Measurements In Power Systems Electrical Engineering Training Equipment Teaching Equipment For Vocational Training Center, Technical Institution, Engineering University, TVET Schools.


ZE3416 Stand On Electrical Measurements In Power Systems Electrical Engineering Training Equipment Teaching Equipment


The laboratory bench is designed for laboratory tests on electric drive control systems in Universities and secondary technical educational establishments.

The bench allows conducting the following laboratory tests:

1.The test of technical ammeter of magnetoelectric system.

2.The test of voltmeter of magnetoelectric system.

3.The test of wattmeter of electrodynamic system.

4.The test of single-phase induction electric power counter.

5.Expansion of ammeter measurement range.

6.Expansion of voltmeter measurement range

7.Resistance measurement by indirect method.

8.The study of power coefficient cos(φ) at various types of load.

9.The study of inductance by indirect method.

10.The study of active power in three-phase circuits.

11.The study of voltages, currents and frequencies with electric oscillograph.

Complete set of complex “Electric measurements”:

laboratory stand “Electric measurements”;



set of jumpers.

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