Stirred Tank With Double Jackets And Coil Heat Transfer Educational Equipment

Stirred Tank With Double Jackets And Coil Heat Transfer Educational Equipment

SL 110.04 Stirred Tank With Double Jackets And Coil Heat Transfer Educational Equipment For Vocational Training Center, Technical Institution, Engineering University, TVET Schools.


SL 110.04 Stirred Tank With Double Jackets And Coil Heat Transfer Educational Equipment


In many engineering processes, several basic operations are combined. For example, in a tank a chemical reaction takes place during which heat is to be supplied or removed. Such tanks are equipped with jackSTor a coiled tube. In the jackSTor in the coiled tubing is used for heating or cooling of the tank content. For a better mixing of the tank content and an even temperature distribution stirring maschines are used. The product temperature at an even temperature distribution is precisely adjustable. Here, the stirred tank with double jackSTand coil is a model for such tanks.

The SL 110.04 is part of a series of units enabling experiments to be performed on different heat exchanger types. The experimental unit is ideally suited for investigating the functioning and behaviour of a stirred tank with double jackSTand coil in operation.

The SL 110.04 is connected to the supply unit SL 110 using quick-release couplings. The jacketed stirred tank is fitted with a coiled tube. In heating mode with jackSTthe hot water flows through the jackSTand transfers a part of the thermal energy to the In heating mode with coiled tube the hot water flows through the coil and heats the cold water in the tank. A stirring machine can be used in all modes. Valves on the supply unit are used to adjust the flow rate Of hot water.

The temperature sensors for measuring the inlSTand outlSTtemperature are located at the supply connections on the SL 110. An additional temperature sensor measures the temperature in the stirring tank.

During experiments, time curves are plotted and displayed graphically.

Technical details


Stirring tank for connection to SL 110

Hot and cold water supply from SL 110

Heating using jackSTor coiled tube

Stirring machine can be used in all modes

Speed of stirring machine adjustable using SL 110

Visible working area due to transparent cover

Recording of temperature using SL 110 and additional temperature sensor for measuring temperature in tank

Technical data

Stirred tank

Nominal capacity: approx. 1200mL

Stirring machine

Speed: 0…330min-1

Heat transfer surface

JackST(stainless steel): approx. 500cm2

Coil (stainless steel): approx. 500cm2

Measuring ranges

Temperature: 0…100°C

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