Studies In Hydrology Fluids Mechanics Lab Equipment Vocational Training Equipment

Studies In Hydrology Fluids Mechanics Lab Equipment Vocational Training Equipment

SM 165 Studies In Hydrology Fluids Mechanics Lab Equipment Vocational Training Equipment For Vocational Training Center, Technical Institution, Engineering University, TVET Schools.


SM 165 Studies In Hydrology Fluids Mechanics Lab Equipment Vocational Training Equipment


In civil engineering, studies in hydrology are conducted in connection with the design, construction and operation of hydraulic engineering systems and water management functions. The studies focus on topics such as seepage and flow of water in the soil and the use of groundwater resources.

It can be used to study seepage and groundwater flows after precipitation. Variable precipitation density and areas and different groundwater supply and drain possibilities allow a wide variety of experiments.

The precipitation element consists of two groups of three nozzles. The core element is a sand-filled, stainless steel experiment tank with inclination adjustment. Water can flow in (groundwater) or out (drainage) via two chambers on the side. The experiment tank is separated from the chambers by fine mesh screens. To study the lowering of groundwater, two wells with open seam tubes are available. Supply and water drain can be opened and closed, thus allowing a wide variety of experimental conditions.

At the bottom of the experiment tank there are measured connections to detect groundwater levels, which are displayed on 19 tube manometers. The water supply is controlled by a valve and read on a flow meter. The water drain is determined by a measuring weir.

Technical details


Investigation of precipitation-discharge relationships, storage capacity of soils, seepage flows and groundwater flows

Closed water circuit

Inclinable stainless steel experiment tank contains 19 measuring connections to detect groundwater levels, transparent splash guard and screens for separating the chambers

2 wells with open seam tubes in the experiment tank

Precipitation device with 8 nozzles, adjustable

Water supplies and drains can be selected individually

Transparent measuring tank (flow)

Instruments: tube manometers (groundwater), flow meter (supply) and measuring weir in the measuring tank (drain)

Technical data

Experiment tank

Area: 2x 1m2, depth: 0,2m

Max. sand filling: 0,3m3

Inclination adjustment: -2,5…5%

Precipitation device

8 nozzles, switchable in 2 groups of 4 nozzles

Flow rate per nozzle: 1…4,7L/min, square spray pattern


Power consumption: 0,55kW

Max. flow rate: 2000L/h

Storage tank, stainless steel: content 180L

Measuring ranges

Pressure: 19x 0…300mmWC

Flow rate:

1x 150…1700L/h (water supply)

1x 0…1700L/h (water drain)

230V, 50Hz, 1 phase

230V, 60Hz, 1 phase; 120V, 60Hz, 1 phase

Required for operation

Sand (1…2mm grain size)

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