Tubular Heat Exchanger Heat Transfer Training Equipment Didactic Equipment

Tubular Heat Exchanger Heat Transfer Training Equipment Didactic Equipment

SL110.01 Tubular Heat Exchanger Heat Transfer Training Equipment Didactic Equipment For Vocational Training Center, Technical Institution, Engineering University, TVET Schools.


SL110.01 Tubular Heat Exchanger Heat Transfer Training Equipment Didactic Equipment


Tubular heat exchangers represent the simplest type of heat exchangers and are the preferred solution for transferring heat with high pressure differences or between high viscosity media (eg sludge). An advantage is the uniform flow through the tube space. Zones.

The TU 110.01 is part of a series of units enabling experiments to be performed on different heat exchanger types. The experimental unit is ideally suited for investigating the functioning and behaviour of a tubular heat exchanger in operation.

The SL 110.01 is connected to the supply unit SL 110 using quick-release couplings. Hot water flows through the inner tube and cold water through the outer tube. Part of the thermal energy of the hot water is transferred to the cold water. The supply unit are used to adjust the flow rates of hot and cold water. The supply hose can be reconnected using quick-release couplings, allowing the flow direction to be reversed. This allows parallel flow or counterflow operation. And outlSTtemperatures are located at the supply connections on the SL 110. There are two additional temperature sensors on the tubular heat exchanger for measuring the temperature after half of the transfer section.

During experiments, temperature curves are plotted and displayed graphically.

Technical details


Tubular heat exchanger for connection to SL 110

Hot and cold water supply from SL 110

Parallel flow and counterflow operation possible

Monitoring of temperature using SL 110 and two additional temperature sensors for measuring the central temperature

Technical data

Heat transfer surfaces

Mean transfer surface: 250cm2

Inner tube, stainless steel

Outer diameter: 12mm

Wall thickness: 1mm

Outer tube, transparent (PMMA)

Outer diameter: 20mm

Wall thickness: 2mm

Measuring ranges

Temperature: 2x 0…100°C

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