Universal Motor Electrical Engineering Training Equipment Vocational Training Equipment

Universal Motor Electrical Engineering Training Equipment Vocational Training Equipment

SR6125E Universal Motor Electrical Engineering Training Equipment Vocational Training Equipment For Vocational Training Center, Technical Institution, Engineering University, TVET Schools.


SR6125E Universal Motor Electrical Engineering Training Equipment Vocational Training Equipment

1 Introduction

Single – phase series Motor is commonly known as series Motor or Universal Motor (foreign name :Universal Motor), because the armature winding and excitation winding are connected in series. The single-phase series motor belongs to ac and dc motor. It can work with ac power supply and dc power supply.

Single-phase series motor is a kind of has been very widely used motor, it is because it has the advantage of high speed, high starting torque, small volume, light weight, it is not easy to locked-rotor, suitable voltage range is very wide, can use regulating way of speed adjustment, simple and easy to implement.

2 Technical data

Motor rated voltage AC 42V/DC 42V;

Rated speed :3000 RPM.

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