Valves Loss Training Panel Hydrodynamics Lab Educational Equipment

Valves Loss Training Panel Hydrodynamics Lab Educational Equipment

ZF1120A Valves Loss Training Panel Hydrodynamics Lab Educational Equipment For Vocational Training Center, Technical Institution, Engineering University, TVET Schools.


ZF1120A Valves Loss Training Panel Hydrodynamics Lab Educational Equipment


Training panel on heating systems and plumbing

  • 1 transparent PVC ball valve
  • 1 galvanized brass ball valve
  • 1 y-type globe valve
  • 1 plug valve
  • 1 gate valve
  • Pipe sections can be individually selected using ball valves
  • Rota meter and battery-operated digital differential pressure gauge
  • Water connections made using rapid action hose couplings

Water supply 1500ltr/h

  • Digital differential pressure gauge: – measuring range: 0..1000mbar – supply: 9V batter
  • Flow rate measuring range: 150…1600ltr/h
  • Transparent PVC ball valve: DN32
  • Galvanized brass ball valve: DN15

Brand: Shouldshine


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